Kurt0411 lashes out at “self-entitled frauds” Scump and FormaL again

MLG / YouTube: Kurt0411

Banned FIFA pro Kurt ‘Kurt0411’ Fenech has once again lashed out at Chicago Huntsmen CoD stars Seth ‘Scump’ Abner and Matthew ‘Formal’ Piper, calling them “self-entitled frauds” after they neglected to acknowledge his stream host.

In a video published on January 21, in which Kurt explains how he “rattled an entire community, fanbase and nation in one night,” Kurt calls out not only Scump and FormaL, with whom he has had the most problems with, but other Call of Duty personalities and the community itself.

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The drama went viral on social media, with parties from both sides attacking each other, despite Scump and Formal themselves trying to simply stay out of any engagement with the banned FIFA player. However, Kurt has not let it end there.

YouTube: Kurt0411
Kurt has not had the best introduction to the Call of Duty community.

Kurt has been known for being outspoken in the past, which has seen him face some scrutiny in the FIFA scene, but now he’s expanded his horizons.

Kurt reiterates once again that he isn’t going to be hosting Call of Duty players anymore, but also says that “their game is deader than ours” when explaining why Call of Duty should get more viewers.

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Talking about the moment he raided Formal, he says that he understood they were scrimming but that they still looked over and saw the notification, and implies that they chose to ignore it. He says he is “done raiding CoD guys” and calls them “nothing but self-entitled frauds”, saying that no matter who raids you from what game, you should thank them for it.

While talking about the wider Call of Duty community, Kurt also calls out NRG co-CEO Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez. He puts a screenshot on the screen to show that H3CZ had blocked him after the tweet, saying: “The OpTic guy blocked me, the guy who used to run OpTic, the guy that sold out an entire damn franchise, for his soul, for a few extra bucks.”

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Directly addressing H3CZ, Kurt asks “Who do you think you are” for him to have the “audacity” to hate on and block him.

He also goes on to refer to Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow as “like 30 years old, still living on past glory, guy is a washed-up bum.” Karma had called Kurt a “grade A pr**k” over his initial post about FormaL and Scump.

It appears Kurt has had enough of the Call of Duty esports community, and though the drama has brought out some of the best memes and worst sides of both the FIFA and CoD communities, this may be the end of the line for this particular beef.

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Further into the video, Kurt also calls out fellow FIFA pro Spencer ‘Gorilla’ Ealing for losing to popular streamer Castro1021, calling it “embarrassing” and saying that he would never lose to Castro, no matter what.