KiLLa believes he and Parasite will “never be in the CDL”


Adam ‘KiLLa’ Sloss has revealed that he believes he and former world champion teammate Chris ‘Parasite’ Duarte will “never be in the CDL” – despite Parasite’s insistence that he’ll get there.

Both players are huge personalities within the Call of Duty scene as winners of the first-ever World Championship tournament and have hovered in or around the pro scene over the last few years, despite not being at the top.

Parasite, in particular, has struggled to hold down a Pro League spot in recent years, while KiLLa’s last foray into the professional circuit was during the Black Ops 3 season in 2016. Now, he believes they’re destined to be outsiders permanently.

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Call of Duty
Parasite and KiLLa saw a lot of success together.

After Parasite tweeted a teaser of a new squad consisting of him and some other top amateur players, Sloss didn’t mince his words when responding to it.

“Nobody cares Chris,” he said. “We’re never getting in the CDL,” to which Parasite simply responded: “Speak for yourself, champ.”

KiLLa remained cutthroat in his next response, saying that he “would love to see [Parasite] in the CDL again,” but that “without me or [Karma], your average placing has been consistent double digits,” meaning that the former Fariko Impact star has rarely placed above Top 12.

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There is an element to truth in what Sloss says – it’s no secret that Parasite hasn’t been a top player in recent years, and he himself regularly tweets about opportunities he’s missed out on and what could have been of his career had he not made mistakes when he was younger.

However, stranger things have happened than Parasite getting into the Call of Duty League, so you can never rule it out. With rumors of roster changes building up and expected to occur sooner rather than later, we may see some unexpected names pop up with CDL franchises.

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Both KiLLa and Parasite have been actively seeking CDL spots since preseason, but have not had any luck so far.