Infinity Ward respond to Modern Warfare bug trapping players in a rock

Infinity Ward respond to Ground War spawn glitch.Infinity Ward/Activision

Infinity Ward’s communication manager Ashton Williams has acknowledged a peculiar glitch where players are spawning in a literal rock face in Modern Warfare’s Ground War mode.

While Modern Warfare has paved the way in terms of its season-based content strategy, it has also been littered with numerous bugs since its release.

From numerous spawn issues to chairs literally killing you, players have seen it all. Spawning on the edge of a rock face is just the latest bizarre glitch players are facing.

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Modern Warfare texture glitch.Actvision
Players have reported various texture glitches in Modern Warfare.

Posted to the Modern Warfare subreddit, a player uploaded a clip of several teams from the same squad spawning on the rocky terrain of Karst River Quarry.

After spawning on the edge of the cliff, players were bound to the inside of rock face by the shackles of an invisible wall — leaving the teams were stranded outside of the map.

The clip caught the attention of Ashton Williams, who simply replied: “Appreciate the video. Sent over to the right folks just now.”

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Another user attempted to explain the problem, explaining “Someone moved a spawn and forgot to put it back [or] yet another easy to get into wall glitch.”

Given Williams’ swift response in passing on the bizarre bug over to the required team, it is likely Infinity Ward will have a hotfix lined up for the glitch shortly.

Ground War has been plagued by bugs, the most recent of which – a one-way ‘bullet proof’ room on Tavorsk District – caused uproar among the community.

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While Infinity Ward have historically been quick to respond to glitches on the subreddit, there is no sign of either glitch being patched on the Modern Warfare tracker.

It goes without saying that until both Ground War maps are working as intended, it’s probably worthwhile throwing yourself into another playlist.