Infamous CoD Burner ‘Leaks’ Big Money Offer Apparently Made For Luminosity’s John

The infamous ‘CoDburner’ account is back and leaking what they claim to be a $250,000 per year, for two years, buyout offer for Luminosity’s Johnathon “John” Perez.

Despite attempts to uncover the mystery leaker’s identity, the CoD Burner has not been dissuaded, even starting a dedicated sub Reddit page in order to release what is claimed to be insider information.

In the first major post since doing so, the CoD Burner claims to have ‘confirmation’ that Luminosity have received an offer of $500,000 for the acquisition of John, on a two year deal.

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If this figure seems surprisingly high, well that’s because it is. However, the burner account claims to have specific knowledge of John’s current buyout amount – $200,000.

Of course, all of these figures are unconfirmed, but given the burner account’s track record, and the affirmation from those within the community that some of the information leaked so far is accurate, it should not be ignored.

“I have confirmation that John has a huge offer, supposed to be bigger then ZooMaa’s. $500K for 2 years.

I heard the buyout price for John is $200K, since LG doesn’t want to let him go because they want to build around him and FormaL.

If LG matches [this offer], it’s a win-win for John though.”

As an added note, the burner account says he believes Rise Nation’s Austin “SlasheR” Liddicoat may have a similar offer on the table, hence why he turned down an offer to join 100 Thieves (according to the CoD Burner).

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As for who is offering such a large amount of money? The CoD Burner has very little details on this, citing only “a rich guy” with no known organization association – so take from that what you will.

He also says that a $250K a year offer for John is only slightly higher than ZooMaa’s (according to the Burner) $240K a year contract with FaZe.

As with everything from this notorious CoD Burner, it is far from confirmed, and although it provides an insight, it must be treated with caution.

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