How much better is the PS4 Pro for Call of Duty Blackout battle royale?

Drift0r- YouTube, Treyarch

Call of Duty YouTuber and streamer ‘Drift0r’ gifted audiences with a comparison of Call of Duty: Blackout’s graphics between the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro.

Drift0r began his video by stating that there was a “very significant and clear difference” in graphics between the two platforms, expressing that it “immediately” increased the game’s playability upon switching to the PS4 Pro.

He then made a comparison of the game’s construction site, and the difference is clear – things appear sharper and clearer on the Pro than the PS4, with Drift0r citing the PS4’s imagery as “soft” and “out of focus.”

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He even zoomed in on the site, showing a drastic increase in detail on the Pro where the PS4 was lacking.

However, the Pro didn’t make as much of a difference in other areas on the map. Drift0r noted that the back end of the Dam appeared very similar on both consoles. However, zooming in on another area of the Dam, he noticed a difference that could very well make or break a game.

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“They’re kind of a blurry mess… however, on the PS4 Pro, lots more details,” he said of the Dam’s power lines. “That is the difference between spotting somebody and not spotting somebody.”

He concluded his findings by stating that the improved visibility made the game easier to play and spot enemies, with less motion blur overall. He also noticed that the Pro’s audio was better, citing an oddity where his PS4 wouldn’t pick up the sound of footsteps through his headset – a crucial element in being prepared for an upcoming enemy.

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All in all, it would appear as though the PS4 Pro is the console of choice for Drift0r for Call of Duty: Blackout.