Girlfriend demands help after CoD player will not give up dream of going pro

Call of Duty professional team E-United winning the 2019 Call of Duty World League Championship.CWL / Twitch

A girlfriend of an old CoD player has called for relationship advice after her boyfriend refuses to spend more time with her and instead puts countless hours into his dream of becoming a pro player.

Becoming a professional player in Call of Duty and in esports overall has become an increasingly desired dream for many players and fans of competitive gaming.

However, as esports has continued to become more mainstream over the years, it has become increasingly hard for the average gamer to reach the heights of a pro player.

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Now, a girlfriend of an old CoD player, has called for advice after claiming her boyfriend doesn’t spend enough time with her and instead gets “mad” at her for not supporting his “career chase” of going pro.

Aspiring CoD pro player’s girlfriend calls for relationship advice

The user odsaveme called for help in a post titled: “My (26f) Bf (27m) wants to become a CoD (Call of Duty) pro and plays 8+ hours online but gets mad when I ask for us time or attention.

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“The title of this pretty much sums up the situation. He works 2 jobs and works 6 days a week, meaning it is 8 or 16-hour days for him at work itself. When he comes home he immediately gets on the game playing anywhere from 4-16 more hours.”

She claimed that when asking him to “compromise and spend a couple of hours with me instead,” her boyfriend immediately responds telling her she’s “being clingy, I’m being too codependent, I need to find hobbies, I don’t support his career chase.”

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Odsaveme ended by asking: “Am I in the wrong? Am I asking for too much when he’s trying to “make it”? I feel like I’m not asking for much, but he makes me feel like I’m being “too much” and I’m not normal for wanting quality time.”

Many echoed the thoughts of a CoD coach who responded: “At 27, he is already a little old to be a newcomer to the scene. This could be a reasonable career for him if he is already at the absolute top of the amateur scene.”

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Despite this, various players agreed that the boyfriend is “entitled to his dreams and to pursue them,” however, most still admitted that at this point, the chances were “literally impossible.” Others were much more blunt and stated: “he just needs to focus on his jobs and his partner ’cause if he continues acting like this he’s gonna lose everything.”

The post even caught the attention of the CoD League, who shared their views. Most notably, the longest-serving veteran in the league and three-time world champion, Clayster (31), simply said: “Aight man, who is this, go hang out with your girl.”

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Talking of CoD League, all the best pro players will be in action in Major 1 of the MW3 season, which is just around the corner and kicks off on January 24-28.