Frustrating Warzone revive bug takes away your weapons

Infinity Ward

An odd bug in Call of Duty: Warzone is leaving players defenseless after attempting to revive their squadmates, or being revived themselves, as their weapon just totally disappears.

Reviving is a crucial part of Warzone, allowing teammates to bring their ‘downed’ friends back into the fight, and has been used in some way in almost every battle royale game.

In Warzone, it’s a snappy and simple feature, with the player sticking their friend with some kind of syringe to give them the health boost needed to stand and fight again, and saving them a trip to the Gulag.

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Reviving a teammate in Warzone.YouTube: KingLennie
A syringe is useful for reviving opponents, but useless in a gunfight.

Given how central it is to the gameplay loop, it’s imperative that it works flawlessly – something that can’t be said for reviving recently.

A number of players have reported a serious bug, where if they are interrupted part-way through reviving a teammate, they will be left holding the syringe in their hand, with no option to bring out their firearm again.

It’s possible that the glitch only happens if the teammate is finished while you’re attempting to revive them, as shown in this example.

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As the player scarpered for cover, they were dumbfounded to realize that they simply had no option but to lay down and accept their fate, as their M4 had simply disappeared.

Meanwhile, other fans have reported a similar issue, but on the opposite end of the revive. After being helped up by their teammate, this player reports that they too had no weapon.

“A teammate revived me but after being revived I had no gun or hands or anything,” the player explained. “The space where hands or a gun should have been was completely empty.”

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It’s not something that features on Modern Warfare’s Trello board of known issues, so either Infinity Ward are not yet aware, or the bug is too rare for them to be monitoring at this stage.

But, even if it doesn’t happen every time, it’s a serious enough issue that the developers will definitely want to straighten things out sooner rather than later.