Four Vehicles Revealed for ‘Blackout’ Battle Royale in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Four vehicles have been announced for the ‘Blackout’ Battle Royale mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The announcement came in an exclusive article by GameInformer on September 4 which includes the names of each vehicle, along with how many passengers they can hold.

Originally revealed by Treyarch during the Black Ops 4 ‘Community Reveal’ in May, Blackout will feature vehicles for ‘land, air, and sea combat.’

A full list of all the Blackout vehicles can be found below.   

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  • Cargo Truck (holds one driver, four passengers)
  • ATV (one driver, one passenger)


  • Zodiac Inflatable Boat (one pilot, one passenger)


  • Little Bird Helicopter (one pilot, four passengers)

It should be noted that the vehicles mentioned will be present during the Blackout Beta and at launch, with there being no word on if any other vehicle additions will be added after launch.

More information on the Blackout Battle Royale Beta can be found right here.

Source: GameInformer