Dr Disrespect roasts unwell Warzone 2 player with proximity chat domination

dr disrespect trolls warzone 2 player with proximity chatActivision/DrDisrespect

Legendary streamer Dr Disrespect showed how he incorporated mental warfare into his Warzone 2 strategy by dominating a foe through the use of proximity chat.

Warzone 2 has taken over the FPS genre, with CoD fans glued to their screens playing the newest battle royale – and Dr Disrespect is no exception.

The Warzone sequel has implemented a series of new features with proximity chat being one of them, giving players the ability to communicate with their foes and adding an extra layer to the meta game.

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During a recent YouTube stream, the two-time showed that brainpower is as important as violence, speed and momentum by using proximity chat to roast an unwell player and destroy them on the battlefield.

Dr Disrespect annihilates Warzone 2 player with proximity chat

In a clip posted by Doc himself to Twitter, the streamer heard an opponent cough and used this as an opportunity to troll the unsuspecting threat.

Right after hearing the player cough, Doc mimicked his opponent by sounding ill himself, infuriating his rival.

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“You shouldn’t make fun of people,” he said, resulting in the two-time continuing to fake cough. “I’m not feeling very well, and then you’re making fun of me. Not very nice!”

Sensing that he was in his opponent’s head, Doc stepped it up. The two-time constantly cleared his throat in an attempt to goat the foe into making a fatal mistake, all while potentially even masking his footsteps as he made his way up the stairs.

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“Come after me!” the upset player roared, only for Doc to storm into action and litter his body with bullets to secure the kill.

Doc’s domination shows that proximity chat is definitely going to be a useful addition to the game, and it will be interesting to see how the meta develops in the months and years ahead.