Dr Disrespect reveals early Modern Warfare 2 verdict: “4.5 out of 10”

Dr Disrespect next to MW2YT: Dr Disrespect / Activision

YouTube streamer and mustache aficionado Dr Disrespect has unveiled his early verdict on Modern Warfare 2, offering Infinity Ward’s 2022 title a rating of 4.5 out of 10. 

Dr Disrespect is one of the most popular and successful streamers in the world. His forthright personality and trademark violence, speed, and momentum regularly attracts thousands of viewers. 

That was again the case on October 28, when the acerbic Doc dropped into Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer for the first time

He has been critical of the Infinity Ward title prior to its global launch, picking out the engine and skill-based matchmaking as particular problem areas.

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This time, he offered more general feedback after six hours with the game’s multiplayer and presented the game with a 4.5 out of 10 on the Docometer. 

Dr Disrespect believes MW2 is “decent” 

Wrapping up his broadcast, the Doc described MW2 as “decent” but went on to outline all his issues with the game at this point. 

“Like decent as in 4.5 out of 10,” he said. “Let me break down everything. The glitching and everything that was happening, that was kind of a little pain in the a**. For a triple-A, $100m marketing budgeted game. Weapons feel weird when you start putting a thousand attachments on them – they get worse and worse.” 

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He explained that he struggled to find a consistent weapon and also had issues with the title’s audio, especially given the game’s controversial minimap system, which omits traditional red dots for players.

Timestamp: 6:13:30

He criticized its movement system, describing it as “restrictive”. 

“You’ve got this animation of sliding and dolphin diving but for what?” he asked. “What’s the purpose of them? If I can’t dolphin dive into shooting my gun and slide and bunny hop and slide cancel while I’m shooting. I’m okay with nerfing some of that stuff but then build the game around that… It just feels very restrictive.” 

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Elsewhere, he praised the gunplay and map design before summarizing it as “mid”. 

The good news is that Modern Warfare has plenty of time to develop, with the Doc among those hoping to see it improve.