Dr Disrespect pinpoints one Warzone 2 feature he thinks will “ruin” the battle royale

dr disrespect and warzone 2YouTube: Dr Disrespect, Activision

YouTube streamer and CoD veteran Dr Disrespect is already critical of Warzone 2, believing that the battle royale sequel will fall victim to one crucial element.

Warzone 2 is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated releases in 2022, but Dr Disrespect isn’t succumbing to the hype just yet.

The Two Time has already made his thoughts clear on Modern Warfare 2, going as far as to uninstall the latest CoD entry as a result of its shortcomings. Alongside the franchise’s new multiplayer experience, Warzone 2 and DMZ have “no chance” of survival according to The Doc.

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Boasting an array of refinements to the battle royale genre, The Doc believes Warzone 2 will be let down by one new feature.

Dr Disrespect believes bots will “ruin” Warzone 2 for CoD players

On November 10, a selected roster of streamers were allowed early access to Warzone 2 and DMZ. While The Doc wasn’t on the battlefield himself, he started off with a taste of his thoughts on DMZ: “I’d rather just play Warzone, especially if it’s the same map.”

“I think bots are going to ruin the experience man, completely…that’s what it comes down to now. Is this a bot or is it a player?” The Doc continued.

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Taking inspiration from the likes of Escape From Tarkov, DMZ will feature A.I characters than can either help or hinder the player’s attempts to exfiltrate from the map successfully.

Discussion at 4:47:00 onwards

“They should just go straight up hardcore PvP for Warzone man. This could actually be really cool if there was just no bots. There is a layer here that I like.. like they took looting and with the backpack made it a bit deeper,” added Dr Disrespect.

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It remains to be seen whether the full experience will win over The Doc, but we’ll find out soon enough.

Warzone 2 is set for release on November 16 and if you want to be prepared for it, check out our guides and loadouts to emerge victorious.