Dr Disrespect calls out NICKMERCS for quitting loaded HusKerrs Warzone lobby

Dr Disrespect and Nickmercs arguing in WarzoneInstagram: DrDisrespect / Activision / YouTube: NICKMERCS

Upon finding Aydan’s team in a public lobby, NICKMERCS & TimTheTatman backed out to avoid interfering in their HusKerrs Howl tournament run. This decision sparked a massive debate in the Warzone community, and drew ire from the likes of fellow competitor Dr Disrespect.

With more and more Warzone tournaments popping up every week, the chance of bumping into pro players is constantly on the rise. This is exactly what happened to NICKMERCS and his squad of popular Twitch streamers during a casual Warzone session on May 25.

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While their team was taking it easy in public games, they just so happened to stumble upon Aydan and Rated, two of Warzone’s top three players. This accomplished Duo was competing in a $20,000 tournament at the time, dropping into Quad lobbies to maximize their kills.

After a heated debate, NICKMERCS decided to back his team out to avoid any conflict. This seemingly good-willed gesture caused outrage in the community, led to a broader discussion, and even caught the attention of Dr Disrespect.

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NICKMERCS backs out of Aydan’s Warzone lobby

A few hours into their casual Warzone stream, the group of popular streamers noticed some familiar foes in the lobby. All but stopping in their tracks, they went back and forth for a few minutes before eventually deciding to leave the server.

“We’ve got to let them play,” NICKMERCS said, clearing the way for Aydan and Rated in their competition. All four players in their squad, Nick included, began to question whether or not it was the right call.

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“As long as they do these tournaments during the day like this, we’re gonna be in their lobbies,” he explained. “Are we just gonna back out of every f***ing game with these guys? Eventually, it just is what it is right? We shouldn’t hunt them, but play the f***ing game right?”

“What are we supposed to do? Not play the game?” TimTheTatman echoed. “It’s their choice to run a public lobby tournament. They have an option to do private lobby tournaments if they want to.”

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With multiple high-level competitions running almost every week throughout Season 3, the likelihood of matching up with pro players is only continuing to surge. As a result, this type of chance encounter is “going to keep happening,” according to NICKMERCS.

Despite backing out at that moment, the squad drew the line there. “We have to just play,” Tim concluded.

Dr Disrespect & NICKMERCS clash over Warzone drama

Before the team made their final call, however, Dr Disrespect lashed out at them on social media. “Backing out due to tourney players in the same lobby and showing respect? What the f*** happened to you?” Doc said.

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Not taking any backlash from the fellow streamer, Nick quickly fired off a heated tirade in response. “Doc can play that character all he wants. I don’t care what Doc thinks. I don’t give a f***.”

If it was just a one-off occurrence, NICKMERCS assured it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But with these encounters “happening more and more,” a decision had to be made.

“Doc would have backed out if he fried Aydan when Aydan was playing a tournament,” he argued. “He can act all he wants.”

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Despite ultimately agreeing in the end, the issue clearly sparked an intriguing conversation in the Warzone community. With a vast majority of tournaments played through public lobbies, the most accomplished players are bound to stumble upon popular streamers more and more as time goes on.

In future cases, it looks like NICKMERCS and co. will be playing things out.