Dr Disrespect calls out Activision & Warzone tourney admins for hacker drama

dr disrespect vs warzone tournamentInstagram, @drdisrespect / Activision

Following scandal over a disqualified cheater in a Warzone tournament, Dr Disrespect is calling out Activision’s lack of an anti-cheat and Twitch Rivals’ lack of a formal process for investigating hacks.

In hours of drama that rocked the competitive Call of Duty: Warzone community, a smaller streamer, ‘Metzy_B,’ was accused of cheating during the $250K Twitch Rivals Doritos Bowl tournament. Prior to the final match of the event, his team was disqualified by tournament admins and stripped of any chance at tournament earnings.

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Twitch Rivals have remained relatively quiet on the issue, practically ignoring it during the broadcast and offering up a minimally worded explanation over Twitter. In their explanation, the admins simply explained that Metzy “was ruled to be cheating” and subsequently “removed from the event.”

With that lack of transparency, rumors and accusations flew. Former Call of Duty League pro, one of the highest Warzone earners currently, Thomas ‘Tommey’ Trewren spent hours interrogating the accused and having a friend take control of Metzy’s PC to dive through his logs for any proof of hacks. This all leads to Dr Disrespect asserting that, with or without an Activision anti-cheat, tournament organizers need to do better.

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As shared by ‘WickedGoodGames,’ the Two-Time has a clear perspective on this issue. If the developers can’t institute an effective anti-cheat, then every single tournament must “define a process in finding out if he is [cheating] or not … obviously outside of the whole Call of Duty not having an anti-cheat kind of software built in.”

The drama was obviously divisive, as most participants in the tournament believed Metzy (and others) to be cheating, while others weren’t so sure. With no one knowing precisely how Twitch handled the situation, the community was left to investigate themselves.

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As Dr Disrespect has heard, the “purple snakes” disqualified Metzy based on “a couple suspicious clips” and without asking to check his computer. This is echoed by the accused himself, who has since commended Tommey for trying to figure out what the admins had failed to.

That account goes directly against others, as fellow competitor BobbyPoff reacted by alleging that Metzy was, in fact, originally reluctant to display his task manager logs.

While the truth may be impossible to find at this point, as Twitch Rivals have given no explanation of their process and any number of files could have been deleted by the time Tommey got access, Dr Disrespect’s point is proven by the drama.

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If Activision can’t deliver a functioning anti-cheat and tournament organizers don’t have a strict, transparent policy for hackers — then community infighting over a “grey area” is unavoidable.