David Vonderhaar discusses major changes to grenades in Blackout

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout battle royale mode has been a big hit with the gaming community in the days following its release, but the developers are determined to keep improving it.

David Vonderhaar, Treyarch’s studio design director, took to Twitter to reveal that they are considering overhauling grenades in-game to make it harder to stack them.

“We are thinking a max stack of 1 for most grenades or max total grenades or max total lethals and max/total tacticals,” he said. “We also want to design some new Storage types.”

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Vonderhaar went on to explain that these new ‘Storage types’ could potentially allow players to give up another slot in order to carry more grenades: “Sacrifice Backpack in Storage slot to break the above rules. For example: Grenade Bandolier.”

One Twitter user responded to the post to suggest that grenades need longer charge times and perhaps even give off an audio signal for nearby enemies to hear.

Vonderhaar seemed to be a fan of the suggestion, saying: “A charge time with audio warning would go a long way. +1.”

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Another user discussed the strength of certain tactical grenades, saying that concussions and flashbangs should not prevent people from changing stance, healing and aiming down sights – blinding people or slowing down aim is enough.

This particular suggestion went down well with the popular Twitch streamer Saqib ‘LIRIK’ Zahid, who has been playing a great deal of the new battle royale.