Crimsix reveals forced retirement fears in heated exchange with LA Guerrillas GM

Crimsix in CDL with LA Guerrillas logoCall of Duty League

Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter has revealed he feared being forced into retirement during recent offseason CDL salary negotiations after he got into a heated social media exchange with the LA Guerrillas General Manager.

On October 13, Crimsix spoke out about the salary situation in the Call of Duty League, accusing a third of teams of paying the “dogsh*t minimum” to their players in an impassioned rant on his Twitch channel.

While that seemed to be the end of it, just a day later, he got into a seriously heated exchange with Los Angeles Guerrillas GM Alex Rubens, in which Crim claimed that Rubens told him LAG would prefer to take Anthony ‘Methodz’ Zinni on account of the lower costs.

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As the debate raged on and even switched platforms to Reddit, Crimsix revealed that he was “f**king terrified” when he felt that he might be forced into retirement as a result of these recent negotiations.

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Champion CDL pros like Crimsix have been critical of salary issues.

After Rubens denied that a third of teams were paying the minimum wage — saying that it’s only one team doing so — Crimsix refuted and even accused LAG of “overpaying” their players in 2021.

Following this is when he made the claim that LAG were the team that allegedly preferred to pick up Methodz rather than Crim.

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“You thought it would be better to build with Zinni as well as it being cheaper than to build around me,” he said. “Something that also blows my mind is that these orgs have people such as yourself making calls. I bet it wasn’t pleasant when Patrick Price played your wallets and egos like a fiddle.”

The conversation then moved over to the CoDCompetitive subreddit, in which Rubens claimed that he has “zero idea what Crimsix is even referencing and it’s completely made up.”

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Crim responded saying that “it was the first time in my career where I realized that I might be forced into retirement because of someone else’s decision (hypothetically) and it f**king terrified me.”

While Crimsix is one of the older players in the CDL, he’s still shown over the last couple of seasons that he’s more than capable of forging a winning team, being in the championship conversation during the last two seasons.

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His retirement would no doubt shake the CoD community, but if the rumored 2022 rosters are true, fans don’t need to worry about him quitting any time soon.