Clayster reveals how Infinity Ward ignored early Modern Warfare feedback

Call of Duty League / Infinity Ward

Dallas Empire’s James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks has addressed how Call of Duty pros gave early feedback on Modern Warfare, yet all of it was ignored by the developers at Infinity Ward.

It’s no secret that 2019’s Modern Warfare isn’t topping anyone’s list as the best Call of Duty title ever. Countless pro players, analysts, and coaches alike have all been vocal in their frustrations with the competitive scene of late.

10 months into the game’s release and very little has been done to address not only public feedback, but criticism coming from the best players in the world. In a June 17 episode of The Bakery Podcast, Clayster outlined how pros have been ignored the entire time, even in the months leading up to Modern Warfare’s launch.

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“What are your honest thoughts around the game?” podcast host Joshua Baker asked. “In all honesty, it’s a good game,” Clayster replied. “Warzone’s awesome, Gunfight was awesome, even Ground War was pretty fun. “But just competitively, it’s tough. It’s really tough to play consistently.”

Certain aspects of Modern Warfare’s game design have seen praise since its release. It’s not all doom and gloom for a casual audience, though unpredictable respawns, and counter-intuitive maps have made the competitive experience more challenging than usual. While pro players have been vocal since launch, it turns out that many were even providing feedback before the game was released.

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Infinity Ward
CoD pros allegedly gave feedback before Modern Warfare was even released.

“We’ve gone through the proper channels, submitted documents of feedback [that are] well written, no emotion, and they don’t do anything with it,” the veteran competitor explained. 

Months before the game came out, pros were “trying to get [Domination] flags changes.” They also put together locations for new bomb sites in Search and Destroy, for instance, though none of their feedback was ever taken on board, according to Clayster.

“We’ve had zero help on all of that from the developer. I think that’s where a lot of the frustration from the pro players comes from. If they were to fix them, it would be a sick game.”

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Perhaps certain changes might still be implemented in the remaining months of Infinity Ward’s cycle. Though the window is rapidly closing.Only a few months remain until Treyarch’s 2020 release will be upon us. Only time will tell if they’ll listen to all the hefty feedback from the world’s best Call of Duty players ahead of the franchise’s next release or not.