Call of Duty pro John furious with latest planned addition to gentleman’s agreement

Call of Duty star Johnathon ‘John’ Perez has hit out at his fellow pro players amid rumors that they intend to add the Rampart 17 assault rifle to the list of Black Ops 4 gentleman’s agreements.

Gentleman’s agreements are created by Call of Duty professional players to stop the use of a weapon or item that they deem to be either too powerful, or too easy to use, thus cheapening the match. These items are generally added outside of the normal CWL rules, although they can sometimes be added to the official ruleset at a later time.

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Pros have already added guns like the Mozu to the agreement, and have also taken aim at AI-controlled scorestreaks, as they do not require the player who earned them to be in control of them when they are used.

The Rampart looks set to be the latest gun to be removed from competitive play.

The Rampart 17 has become the latest weapon to come under scrutiny in the pro community, after Nicholas ‘Classic’ DiCostanzo used the assault rifle with great success in Luminosity’s victory at CWL Fort Worth. While many players are calling for its removal, his teammate John is infuriated by the calls.

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“Pros are trying to [gentleman’s agreement] the Rampart,” wrote John on Twitter. “Good luck to everyone, people really are mindfucked.”

Perez then took aim at two of the game’s more powerful weapons, asking why they remained untouched but the Rampart had become an issue: “Nobody is talking about the ICR or the Maddox though. Double grip and double quickdraw, it’s fine, right? For some reason they were more worried about the goddamn Mozu.”

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This isn’t the first time that John has voiced his frustration regarding gentleman’s agreements. During the World War II season, the Luminosity star labelled the rules implement by fellow pro players as “bullshit.”

“Gentleman’s agreements should never be a thing,” wrote Perez on Twitter in March 2018. “If it’s in the game, I’m going to use it, point blank, period.”

Whether the Rampart is added to Call of Duty’s gentlemen’s agreement is unknown at this time, but it appears that a large section of pro players are in favor of its removal from the competitive scene.

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It’s likely that we won’t know for certain until the CWL Pro League resumes on Monday, March 25.