Will Call of Duty veer towards battle royale ahead of multiplayer going forward?

Over the past few years, the battle royale genre has emerged as one of the most popular game types, but will traditional multiplayer games such as Call of Duty deviate away from the multiplayer model and prioritize battle royale modes?

Call of Duty is multiplayer

The Call of Duty series is synonymous with the online multiplayer concept. Team based FPS, in a small to medium sized map, with unlimited respawns is essentially what Call of Duty is to most gamers.

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Consequently, it is hard to imagine a time where it won’t have that. In the short term, it seems unthinkable that a Call of Duty game would completely neglect the mode that made it the mammoth title that it is today.

Call of Duty is one of the biggest game franchises ever…

Modern Warfare 4 all but confirmed

With Modern Warfare 4 almost confirmed for COD’s next release, multiplayer will almost certainly come with it. MW4 follows on from some of the most iconic Call of Duty games to date, within the Modern Warfare series.

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A Modern Warfare 4 title isn’t officially confirmed yet, but there are still additional rumors circulating that the COD 2019 title will actually be multiplayer only, as opposed to offering battle royale as well. This would make some sense, given that it’s a new Modern Warfare game.

This MW4 menu logo has been making the rounds in COD forums…

Additionally, there are even rumors that MW2 remastered and MW3 remastered will release as part of MW4. The rumors even suggest that the two classics will release in the months after MW4 is initially released in order to not split the player base.

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Battle royale

Call of Duty has delved into the battle royale genre just once. This, of course, came within Call of Duty’s latest game, Black Ops 4, in the form of Blackout.

It has inherited all things Call of Duty, namely the signature gun play, but has still divided opinion. Many consider it the best battle royale game to date because of the smoothness of play, yet others still prefer battle royale stalwarts such as Fortnite and PUBG.

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Despite this division, it’s very likely Call of Duty will make another. With a new generation of consoles just around the corner, the prospect of another Call of Duty battle royale mode is exciting.

There’s no doubt that gaming is evolving away from smaller team based games on limited maps and embracing the excitement of a 100+ man free for all.

Therefore, yes, we can expect Call of Duty to deviate away from multiplayer to battle royale. Multiplayer will likely always be a part of Call of Duty games, and rightly so, but there will be a shift towards the new phenomenon of battle royale. However, with the aforementioned Modern Warfare 4, it might not happen just yet…

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