Call of Duty 2025: Early reports tease Black Ops 2 sequel, future setting, more

Call of Duty 2025 fan artActivision

Although Call of Duty 2025 is clearly a ways off, early details have nonetheless begun to slip through the cracks well ahead of schedule. From initial reports on the game’s setting, to the earliest multiplayer details, here’s everything we know thus far about CoD 2025.

Like clockwork Activision drops a new Call of Duty game each and every year. The annualized FPS series has become a cultural juggernaut as a result, with each new installment selling millions of units without fail.

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And although Modern Warfare 3 has only just come into the spotlight, as always, avid fans are eager to know what comes next. CoD 2024 is shaping up to be a return to form for Treyarch, and now, the earliest details on CoD 2025 have begun to emerge online.

So well in advance of any official reveal, here’s what we know about CoD 2025 from insider reports.


Black Ops 2 cover artActivision
CoD 2025 is reportedly set to follow on from Black Ops 2.

Call of Duty 2025: Release window details

As it’s still extremely early days yet, there’s currently no exact release date locked in for Call of Duty’s 2025 release.

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However, the series has followed the same pattern for quite some time now, so we can all but guarantee that the 2025 installment will hit store shelves at some stage across October or November that year.

15 CoD titles have been released in November of their given year, while the other five games landed in October. There have been no outliers to this rule, making it the safest bet possible for 2025’s launch.

What platforms will Call of Duty 2025 release on?

For the time being, no specific details have been nailed down as to CoD 2025’s targeted platforms. Though we can certainly make some predictions based on recent releases.

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Despite Microsoft’s historic acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the company has pledged to continue releasing new CoD games across a wide range of platforms, rather than make them exclusive to Xbox.

Not only that, but Microsoft has even signed a decade-long deal with Nintendo, a move that’s set to see CoD games appear on their hardware for the first time in just as long.

As a result, we fully expect to see CoD 2025 appear on Xbox Series S | X, PC, PlayStation 5, and most likely on Nintendo hardware as well. Whether devs will continue support for last-gen hardware through until 2025, however, remains to be seen.

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Do we know which Activision studio is developing Call of Duty 2025?

There’s currently no telling which CoD studio is leading the charge for the 2025 installment, though we do have some early intel to run with.

As initial reports tied Treyarch’s name to CoD 2024, they certainly have to be out of the running. And according to Insider Gaming, Infinity Ward is already “well into development” on the next Modern Warfare title. Thus, that leaves just Sledgehammer Games as a core studio to steer the ship on CoD 2025.

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However, it’s worth noting almost all dev teams under the Activision umbrella serve to support the CoD behemoth in some way. As a result, it’s likely a wide range of teams are all chipping in, including Toys For Bob, Beenox, High Moon Studios, and plenty more.

CoD Activision Oni skinActivision
Activision has a wide range of support studios all working to keep the ongoing CoD experience alive.

Call of Duty 2025: Reported near-future setting as Black Ops 2 sequel

Stemming from Insider Gaming’s 2023 report, they revealed what are believed to be the very first details on CoD’s 2025 iteration. Headlining the news was the return to a futuristic setting, at least somewhat futuristic.

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“Call of Duty 2025 is slated to be set in the very slight future, around 2030,” the report claimed. Therefore, while not taking place in present day, it’s not quite a leap forward like Advanced of Infinite Warfare with jetpacks and highly advanced weaponry.

Should these reports hold true, it’ll mark the first time the CoD franchise has looked ahead since 2018’s Black Ops 4.

Allegedly set to be a direct sequel to Black Ops 2’s storyline, the game could mark the return of “fan-favorite protagonists,” the report added.

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Call of Duty 2025: Reported gameplay details

CoD 2025 reportedly set to include remastered Black Ops 2 maps

As a follow-up to Black Ops 2, CoD 2025 is reportedly set to feature a number of iconic multiplayer maps from the original release. While we’ve seen the likes of Raid and Express return in various ways over the years, this could mark the first time several classics make their way back to the spotlight.

Though unlike 2023’s Modern Warfare 3, a game that launched exclusively with remade maps, CoD 2025 could include a mix. “The current plan is to launch with new maps and remastered maps in conjunction,” Insider Gaming reported.

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CoD Raid mapActivision
While certain fan favorites have been remade over the years, CoD 2025 could mark the return of many more.

This aligns with earlier claims from CoD insider BobNetwork who also claimed CoD 2025 will function much like MW3 2023, though just with Black Ops 2 maps being remastered.

Pick 10 Create-A-Class system reportedly back in effect for CoD 2025

While it’s still extremely early and plans can definitely change during development, one early detail claimed CoD’s popular Pick 10 system could be making a comeback.

Rather than selecting all sorts of attachments, perks, equipment, and the like, the Pick 10 system limited you to just that, 10 points. Players would have to spend these 10 points picking pieces of equipment, building out weapons with multiple attachments, selecting perks, or balancing the lot. It added a great degree of strategy to the mix, allowing for more niche builds to thrive.

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If the earliest rumblings hold true, this familiar system could be back in play for CoD 2025.

Round-based Zombies reportedly back for CoD 2025

Zombies will also be included in CoD 2025, should the Insider Gaming report hold true. While Treyarch is leading the charge on a true round-based comeback set for CoD 2024, the following year is allegedly set to follow suit with more round-based action.

While recent years have veered from the path, with the likes of Vanguard and Modern Warfare 3 opting for non-traditional Zombies experiences instead, it appears CoD fans might be in store for multiple years of classic Zombies fun once again.

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Call of Duty zombiesActivision
CoD Zombies may be returning to its roots with multiple games reported to feature round-based modes.

CoD 2025 may adopt an open-world campaign

According to Insider Gaming, CoD 2025 may see a huge shift in its campaign approach by going open world. This comes hot off the heels of Insider Gaming reporting that Black Ops Gulf War will do the same.

If true, CoD 2025 will see players embarking on journeys through various biomes/locations, although the full scope of how open world it’ll be has yet to be determined. It’s reported the switch to an open-world structure is to “streamline development.”

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For now, that’s the rundown of everything we know currently about CoD 2025. Though as always, it’s worth taking this intel with a heaping serve of salt until confirmed by developers.

Game development is always tumultuous with plans changing along the way, so this information may become outdated before long. Rest assured, we’ll keep you updated here with all the latest developments on the road to CoD 2025’s release.