Black Ops 4: Top five specialists to use in objective modes in Multiplayer

Objective modes have formed the backbone of Call of Duty Multiplayer for a very long time, and Black Ops 4 has proved to be no exception.

Performing well in objective modes requires skill that goes beyond just getting a massive amount of eliminations against the opposing team. While that certainly helps, knowing the spawns, when to rotate, hot zones, and other nuances can often be the difference between winning and losing.

In Black Ops 4, as in some previous CoD titles, there are Specialists in play, which completely changes the dynamic of how players approach these objective modes. 

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Each Specialist has a main ability and piece of equipment, both of which can be lethal or non-lethal, and they play a huge role in the outcome of pretty much every Multiplayer match, particularly the ones that have an objective.

Keeping that in mind, CoD expert and YouTuber ‘TheXclusiveAce’ has published a video in which he lists the best five Specialists he feels are more worth using in objective modes. 

  • Recon (#5) – While neither the Recon’s ability or his equipment directly get kills, using the Sensor Dart and Vision Pulse to gather crucial recon information for you and your team can really help out in the game, especially objective modes.
  • Ajax (#4) – The Ajax’s 9-Bang can swing the momentum in favor of the user’s team by either clearing out players from an objective or by preventing them from trying to spawn trap. The Ballistic Shield an be used to effectively help capture and/or defend a hot zone, such as the B flag in Domination, as long as the user is smart with their ammo usage.
  • Battery (#3) – The Battery’s Cluster Grenade and War Machine are both very versatile in eliminating enemies off of objectives, clearing hot zones, and defending choke points, making the capture and/or defense of objectives a whole lot easier.
  • Seraph (#2) – The Seraph’s Tactical Deploy Beacon can be game-changing in objective modes because it allows teammates to spawn wherever it’s place, allowing a team to overwhelm a single position by constantly spawning players nearby. However, the Beacon can backfire if not placed correctly, so Seraph should be left to more experienced players.
  • Torque (#1) – It would be hard to find a Specialist more effective in objective modes than Torque, whose Razor Wire and Barricade can seal off access to important areas of the map and allow the user’s teammates to easily control the objective while picking off helpless enemies trying to push through the equipment.