Bizarre ‘black hole glitch’ in Warzone is totally ruining matches

Xbox One Screenshot

Call of Duty Warzone players have been encountering a strange glitch that wipes everything from their point-of-view, leaving them with a black hole-like box that swallows everything in sight.

On March 10, Call of Duty made its second dip into the battle royale genre with the addition of Warzone to Modern Warfare. The multiplayer mode, which is also free-to-play to those who don’t own Modern Warfare, has been a hit, with over 30 million players dropping in for at least one game.

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However, that hasn’t stopped problems from rearing their heads. Players have run into issues with being spawned in the deadly gas, not seeing items from enemies who have died and disconnected, as well as dying to the rocks in the gulag. Yet, the most deadly glitch of all might be a ‘black hole’ that appears on players’ screens.

Infinity Ward
Warzone has been a big hit with Call of Duty fans.

The glitch, which doesn’t happen right off the bat in-games and takes a few circle collapses to show up, takes a part of a player’s screen and turns it completely black.

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For some, like Reddit user Survilus, it apparently happens in every single match that they play, ruining the chance to win gunfights and get one over on an opponent as they’re cowering in a corner trying to address the issue.

As of right now, there isn’t a real fix for the problem, but players have found that they can look away from the gaping black hole and try to look elsewhere for a moment in order to fix.

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Of course, that doesn’t quite do the job if you’re stuck in a firefight with an enemy or having a Cluster Strike rain down on you from above.

Xbox One Screenshot
The black hole glitch can also add different colors to a player’s screen.

The bug is one of the major four that were picked up by Infinity Ward when they revealed which issues they were working on fixing for future updates.

Yet, as of writing, they haven’t quite managed to get it addressed and the glitch is causing players to lose out on their matches in Warzone. When it will be fixed, though, remains to be seen.

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