Aydan continues to break Warzone records amid hacking epidemic

Aydan, Activision

Warzone superstar Aydan ‘Aydan’ Conrad is no stranger to breaking records. In the midst of the hacking epidemic, he’s somehow broken another of his own…in a week.

Ten days ago, Aydan threw down the gauntlet with a mighty 52 kills in Solo vs Trios. That impressive stat apparently wasn’t enough though.

Armed with the divisive Bizon, Aydan claimed a whopping 61 kills. Only nine players escaped Aydan’s wrath. “Choked the 70” he said in response to an otherwise brilliant game. 

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This new record comes in the face of the ongoing hacking epidemic that is eating away at the Warzone community. 

Warzone hacking rolls on

Frustrated with the efforts made by Activision and Raven to clamp down on rampant hackers, Aydan is providing his own updates on the situation. With no clear evidence to support their claims, detractors still suggest that Aydan is part of the problem himself.

The Warzone powerhouse doesn’t seem to care that much, poking fun back with daily progress of his own “hacking” exploits. 

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Aydan keeps breaking records

Aydan has been a trailblazer since his beatboxing bars first appeared on the Verdansk battlefield. It doesn’t matter whether he’s in a squad or going it alone either.

Earlier this year, Aydan was joined by ScummN, Almxnd, and Newbz, to claim an insane 162 kills during a $500 wager. It gets even wilder when you break records by accident too.

Using the AMP63 pistol, Aydan casually banked 52 kills. Humbly noting this was due to the low K/D ratio present in the lobby, this feat is still one to be remembered.  

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Even if Warzone doesn’t keep Aydan onside going forward, you can be sure his next game of choice won’t be ready for his unparalleled talent.