Arcitys explains how Envoy could “come close” to matching Scump’s legacy

Activision / YouTube: H3CZ

Alec ‘Arcitys’ Sanderson has heaped praise on his teammate Dylan ‘Envoy’ Hannon, and suggested the 20-year-old Chicago Huntsmen star could even rival Seth ‘Scump’ Abner in terms of legacy by the time his career is over.

There’s always weight behind the suggestion a player could match up to any superstar’s achievements, and when it comes to Call of Duty, there’s no one bigger to compare a rising youngster with than the King.

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Abner forged a legacy alongside some of the biggest in the game while flying the OpTic Gaming banner. He was crowned world champion in 2017, and—in the words of Hector ‘H3CZ’ Rodriguez—“transcended” the FPS title.

H3CZ watches over Chicago Huntsmen at the ArmoryChicago Huntsmen
H3CZ’s Huntsmen took a 2–0 lead in the CDL after opening week in Minneapolis.

According to Sanderson, his young Huntsmen teammate could have the same impact in the CoD scene, both in-game and out. Envoy may not have won much yet, but as they settle into the Call of Duty League, Arcitys is confident he’ll deliver.

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“The only player that has the potential to [come close to Scump] is Dylan,” Arcitys said on H3CZ’s Eavesdrop Podcast when speaking of Envoy’s future.

The former eUnited lynchpin also added that because Hannon has the chance to learn off superstars like Matthew ‘FormaL’ Piper and Scump himself, as well as take teachings from H3CZ, he can “thrive.” That is, as long as he reigns himself in.

2020 Chicago Huntsmen roster for CDLChicago Huntsmen
Envoy is playing in a star-studded Chicago roster this year, and is learning from Arcitys, FormaL, and Scump.

“Oh god, he’s a f**king moron sometimes, the way he responds is hilarious,” Chicago’s SMG player laughed, “but he has the potential to do what Seth does.”

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“Maybe not exactly what Seth does, but he could come to something. He’s very good at the game. He had an okay team around him last year, but he made them become the best. He proved, besides at Champs, that he had what it takes.

“I was so keen to play with him after seeing how he did in the game last year. As soon as my team broke up [after CWL], I got in touch with Dylan and I said to him ‘Yo, I want to play with you,’ and he was down, so it all worked out.”

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While H3CZ did agree that his young Huntsmen recruit was one of the best rising talents in the scene, he admitted he often felt like he had to “defend” long-term friend Scump whenever he was compared to fresh blood in the scene.

“It’s like an older brother defending a younger brother… I know I’m biased, I won’t just look at his results, I’ll look at the whole scope of him, but when people compare a new player to him, I always think about what Scump has done,” he said.

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“No one can really compare to Seth, what he has built here, and the way he’s carried this community for such a long ass time. The way he has transcended outside CoD, and has stayed at the top of the game, no one has been able to do that.”

Despite H3CZ’s feelings, he agrees that Envoy is one of the brightest stars shining in the scene right now, and knew when the rosters exploded ahead of the inaugural CDL season, he “had to sign” the former Gen.G star.

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For mobile readers, the related segment begins at 55:12 in the video below.

Now, after the opening launch weekend of the league, it looks like H3CZ’s roster plan was executed perfectly, from the young talent in Envoy, to the veteran experience of long-term superstars like Scump and FormaL.

At the Armory, the Huntsmen stormed into equal first-place, earning their first CDL victory together with a 3–1 win over Dallas Empire. The star-studded outfit added a second the next with a 3–0 stomp of OpTic Los Angeles.

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Chicago next load into Modern Warfare at the Copper Box Arena in London, when the Ravens host Week 2 of the league. The Huntsmen begin their bracket run against Los Angeles Guerrillas (1–1) on Saturday, February 8.