Activision Blizzard employees file federal labor complaint over intimidation concerns

Blizzard officesBlizzard Entertainment

Activision Blizzard’s workers have filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, accusing the company of intimation and union busting. The company was sued by the state of California in July over their “pervasive frat boy” culture of discrimination.

The employees, backed by the Communication Workers of America (CWA), have filed their own complaint to the NLRB claiming Activision Blizzard “is engaging in unfair labor practices”.

The CWA states they represent “the communications and information industries”, and are helping support employees affected.

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“Activision Blizzard management is using coercive tactics to attempt to prevent its employees from exercising their rights to stand together and demand a more equitable, sustainable, and diverse workplace,” a statement from CWA reads.

According to the labor complaint, which was filed on September 10, Activision Blizzard has “repeatedly engaged in unlawful conduct by threatening employees in the exercise of [their] rights.”

The charge claims Blizzard has stopped employees from talking about wages or working conditions, enforced “an overly broad social media policy”, and has been surveilling and interrogating employees who have spoken out against the company.

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“Management could have responded with humility and a willingness to take necessary steps to address the horrid conditions some ABK workers have faced,” CWA Organizing Director Tom Smith said.

“Instead Activision Blizzard’s response to righteous worker activity was surveillance, intimidation, and hiring notorious union busters.”

It comes after a lawsuit was filed in July by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing which stated working for Activision Blizzard “was akin to working in a frat house.”

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The report outlined claims of sexual harassment against women at work, discrimination based on race and sex, and a culture that saw “male employees proudly come into work hungover, play video games for long periods of time during work while delegating their responsibilities to female employees.”

The lawsuit was expanded in August to include temporary workers. Blizzard was allegedly not cooperating with DFEH’s investigation, shredding critical documents.

Blizzard is yet to make a statement on the recent labor board filing.

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