Shroud reveals biggest concerns about Battlefield 2042 Portal

Shroud Battlefield 2042 PortalEA / Twitch: shroud

Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek, ex-CS:GO pro turned Twitch streamer, has voiced his concerns over Battlefield 2042’s innovative Portal mode, suggesting it could affect the core gameplay if not implemented correctly. 

Battlefield 2042’s Portal mode has been widely praised as innovative, allowing fans of the series to implement their favorite series content into a new, futuristic game.

The sandbox mode means players have full creative control when merging old games’ content with the new stuff the 2021 title will bring to the table. Warzone players have even suggested Raven implement something similar, reflecting just how popular the idea is.

Shroud, though, is less taken with the mode, and has some serious concerns about its wider implications in Battlefield 2042.

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Battlefield Portal 2042Electronic Arts
Battlefield 2042’s Portal is being looked upon enviously from other FPS fans.

At the end of a long stream, shroud explained his fears that it will lead to clashing tones and gameplay elements.

“Battlefield Portal could be really really cool,” he said, “or it could be just not enough. I don’t know which one it’s going to be… Because there’s a very very good chance you start messing too much with the core of the game, and Battlefield might not like that. So I’m really curious how deep you can dive into Portal.”

Shroud’s point is a fair one – bringing back certain elements of the series could satisfy players’ nostalgia, but it could also clash with newer gameplay that 2042 is trying to promote. Ultimately, the content from older games was designed for those titles, and not Battlefield 2042.

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“I know you can’t edit maps, I know that much,” he finished. “I know you’re not able to add your own assets. In a perfect world, Battlefield Portal would be that. It’d be so cool to be able to make your own maps in Battlefield Portal… but that won’t happen. So you’ll have to use the base Battlefield maps. Which, alright, fine. I have no idea how Battlefield Portal is truly gonna be.”

It’s something of a tightrope for the devs to walk, but shroud is more reserved than most at this early stage.

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