Shroud gives his take on all the Battlefield V Beta hate

On his Twitch stream, Shroud told viewers he thinks everyone needs to relax about the upcoming Battlefield V, but he added that DICE hadn’t done themselves any favors with how they’ve responded to community generated controversy.

Shroud started off by saying he thought it was wrong to get mad at DICE just because of the story and characters they decided to put in the game.

“I thought the whole reason people got mad at Battlefield, because of the characters and story they tried to portray, was kinda messed up,” Shroud told viewers. “But then [DICE] didn’t do themselves any justice by coming back with a stupid-ass response. The worst PR move ever.”

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If DICE had decided to stay quiet in response to criticisms of Battlefield V, Shroud indicated, that would have worked in their favor.

“If they said nothing, they would be chilling, all the idiots that are talking shit about the character, story whatever, they would have just looked stupid,” Shroud explained. “Instead they make themselves look terrible because they replied with some stupid reply and everyone’s like ‘oh no, what are you doing?’”

Shroud is on DICE’s side though, and defends their right to make the game they want.

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“It’s their game and they can make it whatever they want,” Shroud states near the end of the clip.

Battlefield V is scheduled to come out on November 20, after being pushed back from its original release date of October 19, a move that has not inspired confidence in fans.