Insane Battlefield 2042 “sky swimming” glitch has to be seen to be believed

battlefield 2042 sky swimmingEA

The Battlefield 2042 glitches keep on coming, but the latest might be the most bizarre yet, welcome to “sky swimming”.

Battlefield 2042’s launch has been a mixed bag. There’s an excellent game hiding in there, it’s just a shame that it’s marred by a never-ending parade of glitches and problems. The latest glitch, however, is hilarious, and unlike anything else we’ve ever seen from DICE’s multiplayer shooter so far.

Swimming in the Battlefield franchise isn’t new, and neither is flying, but Battlefield 2042 has accidentally managed to marry the two into what the game’s subreddit is calling “sky swimming”.

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Battlefield sky swimming glitchEA
Players swim into the sky in the new glitch.

Battlefield 2042 has a wild new “sky swimming” glitch

The Reddit video shows players entering a pool of water and swimming around, before bizarrely swimming into the air and the sky above. We don’t quite know how this is possible, but it’s clearly another Battlefield 2042 glitch. Only unlike the others, this one is funny and even looks entertaining – especially with the sheer volume of players taking part.

The glitch shows that the franchise’s latest entry is even more broken than we initially thought, and that DICE has a lot of work on their hands when it comes to fixing the game. Check out the sky swimming glitch below:

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Battlefield 2042 community response to sky swimming glitch

Battlefield 2042’s Reddit community has responded to the sky swimming glitch with either amusement or frustration. One player said, “When I said infantry needed more flanking routes, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” with another saying, “At least there is something fun to do in this game.”

The latest patch for the game drops today and promises to fix many glitches and bugs. Although, the patch notes say nothing about sky swimming – or the bizarre flute music that accompanies this video.

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