Dr Disrespect already has a big problem with Battlefield 2042 before it’s even out

Dr Disrespect worried about Battlefield 2042 graphics.YouTube: Dr Disrespect / DICE

Dr Disrespect is already well and truly chomping at the bit when it comes to Battlefield 2042 ⁠— especially following the game’s explosive E3 multiplayer reveals ⁠— but there’s one thing about the game that has him worried “right out the gates.”

DICE and the super-popular Battlefield franchise are storming back onto the scene in a big way in 2021. The futuristic entry (the saga’s 17th release) will end a lengthy three-year wait for loyal fans of Call of Duty’s rival series.

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Needless to say, the hype is steadily building.

One such gamer caught up in the hype is the two-time himself, Dr Disrespect.

According to the YouTuber, Battlefield has all the hallmarks of an “all-time great game,” and looks like it could take the long-standing Call of Duty rivalry to the next level like the two juggernaut franchises hadn’t seen “in a long, long time.”

Though there’s one surprising thing that Dr Disrespect says has him a little worried after watching the latest Battlefield 2042 gameplay reveals: graphics.

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Battlefield 2042 vehiclesDICE/EA
The Doc compared Battlefield 2042’s reveal graphics to his “old Xbox 360.”

The two-time raised his concerns midway through watching Battlefield 2042’s gameplay trailer, which DICE unveiled during Microsoft’s E3 conference.

Dr Disrespect paused the video multiple times, inspecting the graphics of the footage, before weighing in with his early thoughts: “So this [clip] is on Xbox, I assume? I think what I have to do is, when it comes to Battlefield 2042, is lower my expectations and, hopefully, that means they exceed them.”

“I’ve gotta be honest though, sorry, I do; I’ve seen better graphics on my old Xbox 360 man!” the streamer claimed, fiddling with his video settings.

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“This is in 4K, right? Yeah… this is in 4K!”

The related segment begins at 26.34 in the video below.

We will admit, the Doc’s complaint caught us at Dexerto by surprise; the Battlefield 2042 graphics have been lauded by many as the best in the series yet. In fact, it’s one of the defining features of the DICE franchise.

There are some that have joined Doc in his scathing assessment, however: many are saying the trailer “did not scream next-gen graphics,” despite EA claiming otherwise in their early marketing.

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Dr Disrespect seems to agree he may have been a little harsh though.

“Look, I think this is a game where you just kind of have to wait,” he conceded. “We just want to wait, and then you can see how it looks, how combat feels, the vehicles, map design, and flow of the game.”

Battlefield 2042 reactionDICE/EA
Battlefield 2042 is expected to release on October 22, 2021.

“I don’t really know what to make of it all so far, you know? It’s like, it’s not telling me much. It feels like we’ve been watching a cinematic movie. They’re bringing showtime [though]. I do have to be honest, there have been some fantastic trailers man. Action-packed. I’m liking what I’ve seen.”

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And the star did add he’s still excited, no matter what: “It has that Battlefield 4 vibe. At this point, I think we’ve seen enough. Now it’s just time to play.”