Bizarre Battlefield 2042 bug makes smoke grenades completely useless

Battlefield 2042 Smoke Grenade Bug Makes Equipment Completely UselessEA / DICE

A new bug has appeared in Battlefield 2042, frustrating players by making their smoke grenades totally irrelevant with an extremely simple exploit.

Battlefield 2042 offers fans a fresh chance to dive into the franchise’s signature large-scale battles, with much of the same equipment from previous modern titles like Battlefield 4 returning in this year’s installment.

Adding some exciting new gadgets like grappling hooks, robot dogs, and shiny new wingsuits, there’s plenty of gear available to help you conquer the battlefield — but, as it turns out, not all of that equipment is functioning as intended.

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Players have discovered an unintended interaction between Battlefield 2042’s smoke grenades and one of the game‘s menus, which turns that particular piece of gear from a valuable asset into a useless hunk of metal.

Battlefield 2042 Robot Dog Equipment LoadoutEA / DICE
Players have discovered a way to make some of Battlefield 2042’s equipment totally useless.

Battlefield 2042 glitch makes smoke grenades irrelevant

Word of the exploit began to spread after one player shared their experience with the glitch on Battlefield 2042’s subreddit. “You can completely negate a smoke grenade just by opening the menu and going to [the] Collections [tab],” they revealed.

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During a short clip showing off the exploit, the player can be seen lying near several enemies. After throwing down a smoke grenade (and assuming they were safe), the enemies began reviving their teammates, but things didn’t work out as planned.

They soon found themselves gunned down by the player, who simply opened the in-game menu, switched to the Collections tab, and then returned to the game — after which the enemy smoke grenades had simply disappeared from their screen.

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Fellow players were quick to slam developer DICE over the presence of this glitch. “This game is so broken,” one fan replied, “This needs an insta-fix.”

“Wow,” another player remarked. “We are literally game testers [for EA and DICE].”

“[This] might explain why our smoke gameplay is not quite as effective as it usually is,” one fan speculated, before suggesting the issue could even be more widespread: “[I] imagine there are probably [even] more ways to do this.”

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While players have picked up on this bug, it isn’t being tracked on DICE’s list of known issues at the time of writing. However, the developer will likely pick up on the problem fairly soon and patch it out of the game, considering the impact this particular glitch can have on gameplay.