Xbox bans Baldur’s Gate 3 player for a year over naked gameplay clips

The Emperor and Tav love scene in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Xbox have slugged a Baldur’s Gate 3 player with a year-long ban after captured gameplay clips were flagged as explicit by Microsoft’s system, prompting a response from Larian Studios.

One of the defining features of gameplay in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the deep and interactive relationships between characters, which span not only romanceable options for players, but also the game’s NPCs.

The way relationships develop in the game influences the player’s path, unlocking new quests and stories. It also opens the way for some amusing encounters and witty banter between NPC party members.

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Since the game’s launch, plenty of fans have shared such moments via clips and videos on social media.

A smiling Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios
Baldur’s Gate 3 has received high praise for its interesting and engaging characters.

However, one Xbox user playing through Baldur’s Gate 3 was slugged with a one-year ban after capture clips of campfire scenes and intimate encounters were flagged by the system as infractions.

Xbox’s capture features allow players to clip and save moments of gameplay to keep or share with friends. The feature also automatically uploads clips to a Microsoft server by default. Which means all clips are then reviewed for content.

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“I recorded 3 clips last night of some naked camp time fun.” The Reddit user Daddy-Vegas explains, sharing screenshots of the active suspension notifications from Xbox. “Each clip counted as a different infraction and got my account banned for a year.”

The user is appealing the ban, which prevents them from playing any online game on their Xbox.

For its part, developer Larian Studios says it’s “looking into” the situation, with Director of Publishing Michael Douse calling the ban “Annoying and uncool.”

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Many in the thread expressed disbelief a player could be banned simply for clipping content which Microsoft already approved for release.

Baldur's Gate 3 companionsLarian Studios
The game includes romanceable options for players as well as a range of diverse NPC romances and relationships.

“There shouldn’t be any forbidden recording in a game they deem otherwise ok to play.” One user said, also adding how it was “unfair” to suspend people who weren’t aware their clips were being automatically uploaded.

“Surely any content recorded from an 18+ title would simply be marked as NSFW. How can they ban you for using a feature they provided, on a game they’ve sold you.” Another user agreed.

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While others said they’d been slugged with bans for similar reasons. “That happened to me cause I took a cheeky screenshot of some dubious t*t in Dante’s Inferno and got a 24 hour ban or something.”

Other thread users encouraged Xbox players to turn off the default settings for clips to prevent them uploading to the server automatically. And hopefully avoid a ban themselves.