Veteran Baldur’s Gate 3 players can’t believe they forgot key item

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a highly complex game and it is quite difficult to come across everything it has to offer even as a veteran. As it happens, a few veteran players seem to have forgotten to use one such key item, and they didn’t realize it until later on.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most expansive games that you can play. There is just way too much to learn and farm, which means you are bound to miss out on quite a few things even if you are a veteran.

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As it happens, one such player of the game did not realize that they had never used Soul Coins up until now. While this may seem surprising, a few other long-time players claimed they had forgotten to use this item as well. They also mentioned some of the other key items that they had forgotten to use along the way.

Baldur’s Gate 3 veterans claim they forgot to use Soul Coins despite playing for several hours

The discussion regarding this topic was started by a Reddit user named Balaerim. The user commented, “I’m playing a Karlach origin run, just finished the House of Hope as the penultimate mission in Act 3 for me, and was just prepping everyone for the final battle.” They continued, “On Karlach, I see a pouch that had items, so I opened it. And then promptly facepalmed.”

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They also mentioned, “I had used a pouch looted off the beach right in the beginning of Act 1 to hold her “special” items like Infernal Iron, and… Soul Coins. I started putting Soul Coins in that pouch as soon as I started looting Wither’s crypt, even before making it to the Grove, with the full intention of using them on boss fights.”

Other players joined in the conversation as a few of them had similar experiences. One such user commented, “I’ve played hundreds of hours and yet to use one. Mostly from hoarding and then in endgame I just forget.” Another user chimed in, “Buddy the list of consumables and one-off abilities I forget to use could fill a vault in Ramazith’s tower.”

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One of them also claimed, “I’m on my third playthrough, mid Act 3. I used the first soul coin yesterday. Let’s see how long it takes me to remember doing that again.” Finally, a player mentioned, “I keep telling myself “I’m going to use them this run, I swear” and then it cuts to 30 hours of game time later and she’s got 7 in her inventory collecting dust.”

Therefore, it seems like players do collect this item, but they just forget to use it every time. It is safe to say that Soul Coins aren’t the highest priority regarding usage. However, just like every Baldur’s Gate 3 player, collecting every possible item you feasibly can is more of a habit than a necessity.

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