Larian Studios eyeing Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC plans but not anytime soon: “We want to do more”

Baldur's Gate 3 cinematicLarian Studios

Following Baldur’s Gate 3’s historic success in 2023, developers at Larian Studios are eager to “do more” with the game through possible DLC, but fans shouldn’t expect to see any new content in the near future.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is absolutely massive, in every sense of the word. From its record-breaking debut on Steam to its unprecedented climb on Metacritic, the RPG has become an instant classic, with millions adoring its attention to detail.

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Not only has it been a massive critical and commercial success, but, the game itself is quite literally massive. With multiple Acts each filled to the brim with dozens of hours of content, few players have actually rolled credits yet, let alone explored other possibilities with new classes.

Even with the game’s sheer size, that hasn’t stopped the community from questioning what’s on the horizon. While DLC of any form has been a mystery until now, devs have implied they’re eager to “do more” with the game, but that it won’t be anytime soon.

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Baldur's Gate 3 multiclassLarian Studios
BG3 could certainly receive DLC down the line, but devs have nothing specific in the pipeline just yet.

Amid a stream of news pouring out of Gamescom 2023, including the fact Baldur’s Gate 3 is now going ahead with its Xbox launch, Senior Product Manager Tom Butler teased the possibility of DLC in a conversation with IGN.

For the immediate future, the dev team is set on “patching for a while” before they all “take a holiday.” A well-earned break at that. It’s only after their return that the future of the Baldur’s Gate franchise will start to take shape. Whether that’s a full-fledged sequel, DLC in the interim, or perhaps both, we’ll all just have to wait and see “what [they] do next.”

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But Butler made one thing clear: “We want to do more.” So players can rest assured the franchise isn’t going anywhere. But given devs are yet unclear on plans for the future, it’d be best not to hold your breath on any sizeable DLC arriving anytime soon.

While Larian Studios is indeed having early “discussions” and they are eager to continue forward, “[they] don’t know what” it may look like just yet.

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Baldur's Gate 3 DrowLarian Studios
We’ll just have to wait and see what the dev team at Larian Studios decides to do next with the hit franchise.

Devs have previously gone on record to outline the difficulties of adding more to the existing game, suggesting that even so much as raising BG3’s level cap would introduce a range of new design challenges for the team.

If that were to happen, Larian Studios would possibly pivot to “an expansion” sized content drop given the “development effort” required. But obviously, that’s purely hypothetical for now with no concrete plans locked in.

We’ll all just have to wait and see what the future of Baldur’s Gate 3 looks like, but rest assured the devs want to see it continue just as much as fans.

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