Key Baldur’s Gate 3 Gale design flaw leaves players baffled

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Gale is a wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3 which means his background is that of a scholar who spends most of his time reading books. However, Gale has a muscular figure and players are confused by this design choice which almost looks like a flaw.

Baldur’s Gate 3 puts in a lot of effort when it comes to developing characters, Each of the companions has a unique personality and they are fleshed out to the point where you need to treat them with care to stay on their good side in the game.

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However, there is one key flaw that players are unable to ignore which is related to Gale having a muscular body. This is because, being a wizard and a scholar, a muscular body does not suit him since he spends most of his time in the library rather than working out to lift heavy weapons.

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans joke about a flaw in Gale’s character design

The discussion surrounding Gale’s design was initiated by a Reddit user named JuanDC2006. The user posted a meme with Shadowheart and Gale where the former is asking “Where do you work out?” On that, the latter replies, “At the library.” In addition to that, they also posted that Shadowheart who has 13 strength has no muscles, while Gale who has 8 strength has an excessively muscular body.

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Other players joined in the conversation as they found it quite intriguing. One such user commented, “Wouldn’t be surprised if he has been casting minor illusion on himself the entire game.” Another user chimed in, “Don’t know how it works in DnD but in the Witcher majority of sorceresses (all the ones I know anyways) use magic to modify their looks.”

One user also mentioned, “Those tomes are not gonna carry themselves.” Finally, one of the users claimed, “I’m less upset that Gale has them and more upset that Shadowheart doesn’t have them.”

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Hence, it is quite clear that players find this quite funny. It is true that Gale having a muscular body makes no sense, especially when he has such low strength. However, a few of them are also confused that Shadowheart who is stronger than Gale is much leaner than him.

Therefore, it is a design flaw that the developers did not pay much attention to. However, it is mostly a funny thing and does not have any serious implications to the game as a whole.

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