Hilarious Halsin line has Baldur’s Gate 3 players realizing how “savage” he is

A screenshot featuring Halsin in Baldur's Gate 3.Larian Studios

A conversation between Halsin and Gale has Baldur’s Gate 3 players realizing the Druid may secretly be the most savage character in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are finally realizing that the mild-mannered Druid Halsin can actually be pretty cold.

As shared by Reddit user Sanguinarian1, Halsin has a hilarious moment that the poster calls “My favorite line in the game.”

In a conversation with Gale, Halsin declines to give the Wizard romantic advice, saying, “Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots – what suits me may be a poor fit for you.”

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Gale understands his reluctance, saying “At least you didn’t tell me to ‘be myself'” – but it’s at this point that Halsin throws some shade that would put any tree to shame, replying: “Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer on certain cases.”

Unsurprisingly, fans have interpreted that as Halsin not-so-subtly implying that Gale shouldn’t be himself, giving the Druid a brutally honest side some weren’t expecting.

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“Halsin is selectively savage,” said one commenter. “He’s all mild-mannered puns about nature until the claws come out.”

“That man is a circle of wildfire with the burns he throws,” said another, referencing a Dungeons & Dragons 5e Druid subclass.

Others pointed out that Halsin does actually give some good advice throughout the game, especially on topics like leadership, which is fitting for a wise old Druid like him.

Regardless of how much of a burn this line is on poor Gale, some still found value in Halsin’s words. As one player commented, “A video game character is giving out better romantic advice than literally anyone I’ve met IRL. Sad.”

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