Hilarious Baldur’s Gate 3 bug leaves player glued to Halsin in an endless hug

Baldur's Gate 3 name changeLarian Studios

An awkward yet hilarious glitch in Baldur’s Gate 3 has led one player stuck constantly hugging Halsin when talking to him.

Baldur’s Gate 3, despite having received several patches since its initial launch in 2023, still has its fair share of glitches to this day. Given how massive the game is, with so many different quests, dialogues, locations, and even a secret approval mechanic, things like this are expected to happen.

While some of the glitches can be outright game-breaking, like being stuck or unable to teleport, some players have discovered that a portion of them can be harmless and even funny – like this Act 3 glitch that leads to the player’s character being glued to Halsin in a hugging pose.

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Shared in a Reddit thread, the user posted a short clip showing a dialogue with Halsin during the party in Act 3. In the clip, Halsin was talking normally to their character, responding to the dialogue options they chose.

However, instead of the usual pose, the player’s character was seen hugging the Druid to the point that there was a slight clipping in the model. 

It gets even more hilarious when you see that they look like they’re repeatedly hugging Halsin, pausing every few seconds before going back in for another hug. The user didn’t exactly specify how this glitch triggered, but it’s a hilarious sight to see. 

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Seeing this phenomenon, one user commented: “Wholesome bromance.” Another one even referred to this as “The Oak Father’s embrace.”

Halsin fans who want to keep hugging him don’t have to rely on triggering a glitch to achieve something similar. There are plenty of Baldur’s Gate 3 mods you can download, and some of them even allow you to hug and kiss characters whenever you please, even if they’re not a companion.

Just… make sure to click the right character, though – or else you might end up creating the worst romance imaginable.

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