Baldur’s Gate 3’s unexpected nudity is catching Twitch streamers off guard

AnnieFuchsia Baldur's Gate 3 NudityTwitch: AnnieFuchsia

Baldur’s Gate 3 streamers keep getting shocked by the sudden nudity in the game’s character creator. Apparently, they thought the “hide clothes” option meant something else.

It’s launch day for Baldur’s Gate 3 and while the positive reception for the game is not a surprise, other things are. We don’t know why, the game has developed a certain reputation after all.

Between the viral bear sex reveal and one of the game’s antagonists unlocking the mommy kink achievement for a few players, you’d think they’d be prepared.

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Despite plenty of apparent forewarning, a ton of Twitch streamers are being clipped gasping as their screen fills with tumescent tallywhackers and verdant vulvas.

It’s not just AnnieFuchsia getting got either. shroud, sodapoppin and Etalyx – famous for his time spent in character creators – all got a shock. Much like Cyberpunk 2077’s famous character creator, Baldur’s Gate 3 has multiple options for genitals and it lets you window shop.

The initial reaction makes sense for larger streamers. The game is not currently on their ban list for nudity but according to Twitch, streamers are only allowed to engage with in-game nudity “for as much time as required”.

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Etalyx did explain that the reason he was so shocked in his clip was that he assumed the hide clothes option would do what other games tend to do in their character creators. “I thought there were supposed to be like, some undies dude,” he exclaimed while stifling his laughter.

Other players figured out that you can even remove equipment from your character for in-game nudity. The comprehensive inventory management system allows for the removal of undergarments.

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The prolific level of “horny” present in Baldur’s Gate 3 was enough to shock even its own writers. Dedicated fans commonly joke that they have “the keys to horny jail” and probably aren’t the least bit fussed by the potential for in-game nudity.

Of course, that designation isn’t solely for fans of Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s been a big week for nudity in games after all. For more on the subject, read our piece about the Street Fighter 6 tournament organizer who streamed a nude Chun Li fight.

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