Baldur’s Gate 3’s Halsin might be too thirsty for players

Baldur's Gate 3 name changeLarian Studios

Halsin may claim that his heart doesn’t stir easily but his exceedingly forward approach to romance is serving as a turn off for many Baldur’s Gate 3 players.

Seemingly born of his deep rooted connection to nature, Halsin has one of the most laissez-faire approaches to sex of any your Baldur’s Gate 3 companions. The Wood Elf Druid delivers some incredibly frank statements of desire as your friendship develops, and enthusiastically posits engaging in polyamory if you have an established relationship with another companion.

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You could find Halsin’s especially open, sexually liberated perspective to be refreshing. It can even be seen as a great opportunity for a positive representation of non-monogamous relationships in games. However, for some players, Halsin’s ham-fisted approach to wooing their character is proving excessive.

Some Baldur’s Gate 3 players are creeped out by Halsin

Rather than just having no chill when it comes to love, it may be the case that Halsin’s forwardness is resultant of problems with how his dialogue is coded. One commenter claimed that a few innocuous responses to Halsin are inexplicably flagged as flirts. In one case, all of your character’s available replies will be construed as flirtatious.

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When Halsin does start hitting on your character, rejecting him can trigger a line of dialogue where he claims you treated him like a lover would, not a host. This “gaslighting” accusation of romantically misleading him has left a particularly bad taste in fans’ mouths: “[Other companions] just ask me if I’m interested in them without insinuating I was leading them on.”

Baldur's Gate Halsin bear formLarian Studios
It appears Halsin needs to be tamed.

If the negative sentiment among fans persists, Halsin could be next in line for the de-thirst treatment — following Gale and Lae’zel having their libidos nerfed by Larian Studios in previous patches.

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In the meantime, some players argued that the ‘Halsin problem’ wouldn’t be such an irritant if having him at your camp was voluntary: “You have no option to get rid of him, even if you turn him down to join the team, he still travels with you. […] Giving us the option to tell Haslin to leave after curing the land would go a long way.”