Baldur’s Gate 3’s “evil” NPCs are irresistible to some players despite being problematic

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a plethora of characters and players often fall for them on account of their personalities. However, not every character is good, and some of them have a twisted mentality. As it happens, some players are falling in love quite hard for those twisted characters leading to them questioning their taste in men.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most complex games out there when it comes to the depth of characters. Every character in the game has their own unique personality which in turn adds a lot of flavor to the RPG.

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However, some of those characters are evil and have twisted ideologies within the game. It turns out that players are falling for those twisted characters despite being “red flags” simply because of their smart personalities and looks.

This has led to the players questioning their taste in men after making choices within the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player falls in love with the most evil men in the game

The discussion regarding the taste in evil men was started by a player named nxl_jayska. The player claimed, “I don’t know. What’s wrong with me at this point? Did Larian put crack in their character writing?” The player continued, ” I keep falling for the reddest f*cking flags out there. I hate it.”

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It seems this player is not the only one as others joined in the discussion as well. One such player commented, “To be fair, Gortash’s personality and voice carry him so hard.” Another player chimed, “Look on the bright side, there are some people out there who want to romance Orin.”

One player also added, “Don’t call me out like this. It’s not my fault I’m attracted to evil women, it’s my parents’ fault for letting me play Neverwinter Nights as a kid.” Lastly, a player claimed, “You are attracted to eloquent people. In a way, that makes you both smart and foolish at the same time.”

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In short, it is safe to say most players have unique tastes when it comes to falling in love with NPCs. It is no surprise that the Baldur’s Gate 3 community does love their evil men and women. For instance, Shadowheart is one of the most popular characters for romance and she is also quite problematic.

However, at the end of the day, it is the creative genius of Larian Studios who have made these evil characters immersive enough that players simply cannot ignore them.

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