Baldur’s Gate 3 player regrets giving up rare armor to save “corrupt” character

baldur's gate 3 valeriaLarian Studios

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player is angry with themselves for walking away from a rare armor set to instead save Valeria, the Hollyphant.

Players can encounter an investigator named Valeria while visiting the Open Hand Temple in BG3’s third act. The meeting occurs under unfortunate circumstances, as the Hollyphant is knee-deep in a murder investigation.

Oddly enough, Valeria also becomes swept up in a series of challenges that users must complete if they want to unlock the incredibly rare Bhaalist Armour.

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Purchasing the armor set requires users to side with Bhaal and assume the title of Unholy Assassin. Killing Valeria counts among the many tasks involved in accepting the aforementioned title. After wrapping up the Hollyphant’s arc, one person now regrets taking the more moral route.

Baldur’s Gate 3 fan wishes they would’ve killed Valeria

After freeing Valeria, Redditor Willow_rpg learned that the investigator blamed the Open Hand Temple murder on an innocent refugee.

It didn’t take long for the Baldur’s Gate 3 player to start kicking themself, wishing they’d followed the Unholy Assassin route because at least they would’ve gotten cool armor out of it. “I cannot believe I gave up the Bhaalist armour for this elephant,” they wrote in frustration.

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In the Reddit post, the user notes that Valeria once complimented their Tav on possessing fine qualities such as courage, insight, and heroism. The Redditor fumed, “She’s clearly wrong about the insight part. Otherwise, I would have had the insight into her personality enough to know killing her for this gear is better than saving her.”

In the comments, the original poster went a step further, saying they “no longer see killing her as an evil act. I’m simply removing a corrupt officer.”

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Other Baldur’s Gate 3 fans noted that things get worse where Valeria is concerned. Apparently, the character’s epilogue letter features an admission to claiming credit for solving the murder case in the player’s absence. Valeria’s “definitely not a great example of Hollyphants,” the user added.

Someone else thinks the investigator is so contemptible that killing her constitutes the one evil act they commit during every BG3 run. “The only constant evil thing I do even on a good run. Sorry, Valeria, I value a piece of armor that makes Astarion deal more damage than I value your life.”

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It’s hardly a wonder why Valeria has quickly become one of the most divisive NPCs in Baldur’s Gate 3.