Baldur’s Gate 3 players claim one unassuming item is a game-changer

baldur's gate 3 spider egg sacsLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players shout out the many battles in which Spider Egg Sacs prove beneficial, including during the final fight.

The last battle in Baldur’s Gate 3 is less of a fight and more of a grueling gauntlet that pits players against deadly tentacles, cloned companions, Mind Flayer mages, and the Red Dragon.

Through lots of planning, exploits, and happy accidents, the BG3 community has found ways to cheese the final battle.

But one player wanted others to remember they can also rely on an unassuming item when push comes to shove – the Spider Egg Sac.

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Reddit user Everwake8 told players in a Baldur’s Gate 3 thread not to forget that they have “one more ally for the final fight.” Using the egg sac unleashes five crag spiders who don’t deal much damage, but they can slowly pick away at an enemy’s health and make for great distractions.

One user in the thread said they were unaware that egg sacs were usable items. A different person poked fun at themselves because they “never remembered to use that thing in any playthrough.”

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Other Baldur’s Gate 3 players pointed out that Spider Egg Sacs prove useful long before the final boss rears its head.

One person claimed the item especially became handy when battling the Phase Spider Matriarch in the Blighted Village. “I use that egg to fight the spider under the well. Just seems poetic,” the user wrote.

Another player said the sac is “useful for the Hag fight on honor mode playthroughs,” because even one hit from the group of spiders can devastate one of the Hag’s copies.

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Obtaining the sac itself isn’t exactly an easy feat, since it requires players to defeat spiders at the Rocky Crevice before performing a few skill checks.

However, those who endure that gauntlet will be rewarded with a handful of allies who make several fights, including the final battle, a bit more doable.