Baldurs Gate 3 players wish “squidboy” NPC would just stop blabbering

The EmperorLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are coming together to share their joint hatred for one key NPC who just doesn’t stop talking.

One of the main elements of the Baldur’s Gate 3 charm is its companions and NPCs. From the fan-favorite Astarion to the Devil everyone loves to hate Raphael, it’s hard not to adore the people your character comes to meet, despite how evil they might be.

However, there’s one key NPC all players come across that often leaves many fans begging for them to stop talking – and the worst thing? He’s in your head from the very beginning.

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Baldurs Gate 3 players are begging for one key NPC to just stop talking

Sharing their frustrations on Reddit, one user explained how they were “just doing Helsik’s ritual to break into the House of Hope, and the Emperor WOULD. NOT. SHUT. UP. about me wasting my time going to Avernus. I was originally only going there because I wanted some loot and XP, but now I might break Orpheus out on principle just because squidboy would not get off my damn tits. As a paladin, I feel spite should not motivate me as much as it does.”

This sentiment is not unheard of among the community, with many arguing that The Emperor just gets more and more annoying as the story develops.

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Many fans used the frustration to question why there weren’t more options to explain themselves to The Emperor when dealing with the Illithid and Raphael: “I was surprised there was no rp path for “I literally wanted to kill Raphael the moment I met him. Chill bro.”

Others echoed the point, detailing how: “I just wish we could tell him that we aren’t going there for the hammer, but to listen to Raphael’s theme song and get all the sweet loot.”

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The Emporer’s character development is an interesting one, with the relationship between the character and The Emporer being one of lies, deception, and manipulation. In the beginning, this NPC serves as your savior, and when you realize his true form, he opens up to you, leading many to trust him. Then, as Act 3 develops, this NPC feels more possessive and manipulative, with his nagging feeling incessant.

It’s clear this annoying design was entirely intentional, with many stating how “The shift in him in act 3 was awful in a good way” and that the endless talking, pestering, manipulating, and mistrust only serves to split the minds of both the player and character.

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