Baldur’s Gate 3 players wish characters were as OP as Divinity Original Sin 2

Baldur's Gate fightingLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are wishing their characters could be as overpowered as they were in the previous Larian title, Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Baldur’s Gate 3, the latest title by Larian Studios has taken the gaming world by storm. Thousands of players are flocking into its vast world to create badass characters capable of destroying whatever enemies they may face.

However, some Larian fans are looking back to the equally as popular title, Divinity: Original Sin 2, and wishing they could create a character as overpowered as they DOS2 offered.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 fans miss OP nature of DOS2

Divinity Original Sin 2 screenshot showing magic wielders in combatLarian Studios

Sharing their thoughts on Reddit, one user explained how “BG3 makes me realize how OP the characters were in divinity.”

They went on to share how “I love the combat, I knew like almost nothing about D&D but now I’m hooked, having to be smart with your spells and skills is super satisfying. I think back to divinity though, and damn, just casting spells however much you want, invis all the time, throw a 2 ton barrel at people with telekinesis however much you want. Gale would sh*t bricks seeing people cast magic in rivellon.”

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Essentially, the higher action economy of Divinity and the multiple available spells you can cast in one turn allow for an extremely powerful series of battles. After all, you are trying to become a god in Divinity Original Sin 2.

Naturally, the post was met with an interesting discussion between fans, with many comparing the two combat systems.

One user shared the ramifications of a more overpowered character, sharing how “It’s more broken but enemies are also more broken in divinity, two way street” in which the poster explained that they agreed, but highlighted “how crazy dos2 magic and power is comparatively.”

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Many explored the notion that they prefer DOS2’s combat, with one stating how “DOS2 combat is just more fun” and another explaining how they “prefer dos2 combat compared to bg3.” The same user went on to explain how in Baldur’s Gate 3, they “just found myself resting after every fight because I want to see the fireball obliterate everything” which can often take you out of the story.

Along with the debate regarding the two combat systems, one user shared the difference between the two games, and how “the world of Divinity is far less restricted. All your abilities were tied to books. If you were good at pickpocketing or wealthy, you can learn almost anything.” Whereas in Baldur’s Gate 3, your character’s abilities aren’t always spellcasting, and the only spells you can get from pickpocketing are scrolls.

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Ultimately, with the two games being so different, comparing them is extremely challenging. They both have their positives and negatives and with the right build in BG3, you can certainly make an overpowered character.