Baldur’s Gate 3 players think Act 2 puzzle is “hardest boss yet”

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has multiple difficult encounters that will push you to your limits. However, there is one puzzle in Act 2 that players feel is the hardest boss yet in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is quite possibly one of the most difficult games you can play. This is true for both new and older players who get overwhelmed by the sheer number of puzzles, bosses, and the intricacies of turn-based combat.

As such, there is this one puzzle in Act 2, that you can find in the Necrotic Laboratory that players feel is the hardest boss in the game. This puzzle takes a lot of thinking and even then it can take a long time to solve unless you are following a guide.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 players feel Necrotic Laboratory puzzle is the hardest boss

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who posted, “Well after a long arduous battle overcoming a level 5 confusion spell and enduring 4 psychic damage with three additional turns of mental fatigue I am proud to say I finally defeated the most b******t boss yet with no spell slots left.” They also stated, “I need a Long Rest now.”

This is something that several players agreed with and many of them joined in the discussion. One such user commented, “The hardest part of this was dealing with the console controls to actually click on the nodes I wanted to. You know it’s a problem when you feel like the camera angle is actively fighting you.”

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Another user chimed in as a reply to the aforementioned comment, “At least 3 times during this puzzle, the camera just fled the area at lightspeed to show me the casual darkness.”

One user also stated, “This is the only place in the whole game where I felt handicapped by using a controller.” Finally, one of the users mentioned, “This puzzle is HELL if you’re badly color blind. never again.”

Therefore, it is safe to state that several players found this puzzle difficult. It seems apart from the in-game difficulty there are other factors like bad camera movement and the bright colors which make the experience even more challenging.

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