Baldur’s Gate 3 players theorize perfect Durge romance option

Baldur's Gate 3 Durge shockedLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have identified a potential match for the Dark Urge, and somehow, it’s someone who’s just as evil.

It’s a busy life being a Durge player in Baldur’s Gate. There are so many people to murder, so many urges to fail to resist, and not much time to do it all in. No wonder so many players prefer to make a Tav.

With all this murdering and scheming, it’s only natural that Durge playthroughs have less focus on the extensive romance options throughout the game. After all, it’s hard to romance Karlach for the third time when she leaves camp in horror of your actions.

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It makes sense then that players would turn to some of the less moral characters for romancing, and while one of them sadly isn’t available, most players seem to agree that he’d make a great partner for a budding Bhaalspawn.

Durge players wish they could romance Gortash in Act 3

One player claimed that “Gortash should be a Durge exclusive romance”, because of how well they get on in the final stages of the game. It’s just a shame that Gortash is too busy trying to conquer the Sword Coast to pay attention to all of the cool OCs around him.

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“I walked in with my Durge and we were practically besties. He was trying to braid my hair and go get Starbies.

“I didn’t get what people meant when they said it seemed like they were together at one point. But I see it now! Larian let my murder hobo kiss that grimy little man right now.”

While some were definitely on board with the idea, there were a few dissenting opinions. One comment called out the entire community, telling them that “You guys have got to stop falling for every crazy killer with a shiny coat and a bad haircut.”

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