Baldur’s Gate 3 player beats final boss in Honor Mode by throwing their armor

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has multiple ways through which you can deal with some of the hardest content in the game. However, one player managed to complete an Honor mode run and defeat the Netherbrain with the most unexpected of items.

Honor mode is the hardest possible difficulty in Baldur’s Gate 3. In this mode, you are allowed only one save, and if your party wipes out, you have to restart the game from the beginning. Therefore, the stakes are quite high and the chances are that your run will abruptly end due to unforeseen circumstances.

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However, one player managed to save their run most unexpectedly. This player’s Honor mode run was about to end in the final fight, but the most unexpected item helped them to clear it in the end.

Baldur’s Gate 3 beats final boss Netherbrain by throwing armor

The discussion surrounding the topic was started by a Reddit user who mentioned, “I beat the nether brain on honour mode by throwing a helmet at it after knocking it down to one hit point and losing half my party.”

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They also posted a screenshot where the Netherbrain had 1 HP and most of their party was dead. As it happens, other players joined in the conversation and most of them found it quite funny and interesting. One such user commented, “The DM rewards your creativity this day.”

Another player chimed in, “Honor on you, honor on your cow, honor on your whole family. Awesome end!” One player also mentioned, “That’s awesome. I struck the final blow in HM by attacking with Karlach, triggering the brain’s reaction, and immediately incinerating the rest of its hitpoints with my Tav’s Hellish Rebuke.”

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Finally, a user claimed, “Good job. My hats off to the people who fought straight up in the final fight.”

Therefore, it is quite clear that every player was impressed by the fan who made the clear. It was smart to use the helmet, but it was also very risky. However, they fought fair and square and got a deserved victory in the end.