Baldur’s Gate 3 players share which background characters they’re “obsessed” with

Dorrich Manne, the "washing my pits" guy in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

The world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is populated by many characters, with even the most obscure ones having dedicated fans.

With Baldur’s Gate 3, developer Larian Studios has crafted a deep world full of interesting characters.

This extends beyond the game’s Companions and major villains like General Ketheric Thorm and Orin the Red. The game’s NPCs are so fleshed out that even the most minor of characters have some intrigue or memorable moments.

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Now, players are sharing which minor characters they love despite their lack of screen time or plot relevance.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players love its silly background characters

The conversation was started by Reddit user -DrankSinatra, who asked the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, “Which minor BG3 character are hopelessly obsessed with?”

After acknowledging the tiefling Bard Alfira is “the obvious answer,” they also said they like Ellyka, one of the tiefling scouts players can meet in Act 1.

Others provided their personal favorites, such as the dancing tiefling in Sharess’s Caress, Arabella, and the Dragonborn shopkeep Exxvikyap.

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However, based on the top comments, the most popular background character in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Dorrich Manne, aka the “washing my pits” guy.

For those who missed it, there’s a dwarf in Act 3’s Rivington who is bathing and singing to himself about washing his armpits. When he notices you watching him, he berates you for invading his privacy, despite the fact that he is washing himself out in the open.

Dorrich is easy to miss, but it’s absolutely worth seeking him out – if only to hear his incredible song.

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This moment in particular is pretty silly, especially in contrast with other fan favorites who have more serious backstories or lore, but minor characters like Dorrich add to the charm of Baldur’s Gate 3.

As one commenter put it, “I love that even the most unimportant NPC (apart from the non-interactable citizens and refugees) have an actual character.”

If you liked this, be sure to check out the rest of our Baldur’s Gate 3 coverage, which includes the latest news, guides, and much more.

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