Baldur’s Gate 3 players say Larian did one race “dirty” with their design

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a wide range of races and each one of them have a very unique design. However, there is one race that players feel was done dirty by the developers.

Races are part of the core gameplay feature for Baldur’s Gate 3. You have to select a race whenever you are starting a new game and you often have the choice to select a gender for that as well. However, there is one specific gender for a race that players are not very happy with.

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The race in question here is the male version of the Githyanki. Players feel that this particular race looks terrible and there is no way to make them presentable.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players feel one key race dirty with their design

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who they claimed, “But the Gith men? Without exception, every one of those leathery b****** looks like a professional tweaker who just got ejected from the world’s least reputable gas station bathroom for being too sleazy.”

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Other players joined in the conversation as some of them had similar ideas. One such user mentioned, “I would like some “strong” gith models.” Another user commented, “It IS hard to make them look good, but I have succeded a few times. My tip is giving them facial hair, it really helps.”

One player also chimed, “I 100% recommend looking up how they were originally illustrated. Now those were some badass space pirates.” Finally, a player claimed, “Unironically the gith have never been conventionally attractive.”

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Therefore, it is safe to say most players feel that the Githyanki men are not very attractive. However, they also agree this particular race is not supposed to be good looking and the women are an exception.