Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal obscure stealth tactics they’ve only just discovered

Baldur's Gate 3 GreataxeLarian Studios

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community has banded together to share knowledge of some of the game’s less well-known mechanics, the best of which help massively with stealth encounters.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot going on. Even if you’re playing as a simple fighter, you’ve got all your party members and enemies to keep track of, and each one of them can do a dozen different things. This flexibility is what has made the game so successful, but it also means that it can be easy to forget about some of the abilities you can use.

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Many players have gone through Baldur’s Gate 3 without engaging with every single potential mechanic, but it’s surprising how few players knew about some of the more basic ones, especially as they’re very important to players who want to engage with enemies in a less aggressive way.

For rogue players who want to role-play as a stealthy character, or players who just like having Astarion in their party (which is most of them), these stealth mechanics are a must-have.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 players share hard-to-find mechanics

In a post on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, one player asked the community to list some of the more hidden mechanics that they only recently found out.

Several players chimed in, with one of them mentioning how they didn’t realize that the fast travel system could be accessed from the map at any time, not just from the portals.

However, it was the player who highlighted the ability to see enemy vision cones that got the most attention. If you hold down Shift (R3 on controllers) near enemies, you’ll see their vision areas, allowing you to sneak past them without triggering combat.

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One player thanked the OP, saying: “I’m on my second playthrough and was always a bit salty about having to gamble if I was in an enemy’s sight line.”

Another player pointed out that this mechanic also shows you if you’re properly hidden from enemies.

For more news and updates on Baldur’s Gate 3’s mechanics, check out the simple action that players say is better than most endgame spells.