Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal ingenious way to defeat tricky boss

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a complex game and gets difficult on account of the sheer number of bosses. One such boss you can come across is The Hag and players have figured out ingenious methods to defeat that enemy.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is arguably one of the most fascinating games of 2023. In this game, the depth of lore and narrative is exceptional and that goes for the bosses as well. However, these bosses are difficult and it takes a lot of effort to defeat them efficiently.

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The community of Baldur’s Gate 3 is quite innovative and the game also offers a multitude of ways to deal with these bosses. As it happens, a few players have come across ingenious methods to defeat the boss, The Hag, in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players discover unique ways of dealing with The Hag

The discussion regarding this boss was started by a Reddit user SundriedBeaches. The user claimed, “I’m playing on a friends save and he wants to kill the hag before she goes into the fireplace.” They continued, ” I decided to steal something cause why not. Well she does the normal thing and accuses you. Except I ran away…and kept running…and she keeps chasing.”

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They concluded, “I lead her all the way to the blighted village and attacked her. Turns out, if you fight her there, all she can do is cast vicious mockery, attack with her claws and run away, triggering reactions.” The player did this while they were a level 4 dwarf.

Other players joined the discussion as one of them commented, “Arcane lock on the basement door behind the fireplace also works wonders.” Another Reddit user chimed in, “A friend and I just straight murked her in one round before she got to do anything. It was hilariously brutal, but a little boring lol.”

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One player also mentioned, “That’s nuts! I had no idea she could follow you out of her lair!” Lastly, a player claimed, “All the way to the village? Thats insane. I killed her in 2 turns in honour mode in her house cause I won init and cast command halt. Bashed her to pieces.”

Therefore, it seems like there are multiple ways to deal with the boss, but other players are also surprised at the method used by the player who made the original post. This is simply the magic of Baldur’s Gate 3 as it continues to surprise players with a multitude of secrets that continue to be revealed with every passing day.

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