Baldur’s Gate 3 players prefer a pretty Dark Urge over a Dragonborn

Pretty Dark Urge Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios / bobbahui

Baldur’s Gate 3 character creation is a pivotal aspect of the game, with players spending hours carefully crafting their Tavs or Durge’s. However, fans are now turning to the less traditional Dark Urge designs as opposed to the Dragonborn that quickly became standard.

When it was first announced, the Dark Urge was portrayed as a Dragonborn. It’s the face of the Durge, and quickly became the standard design many would opt for. However, over a year after its full release, it seems the sentiment has dramatically shifted, with players opting for a pretty female design over the intimidating draconic race.

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During a Reddit post, where one player expressed their desire to play a “pretty girl” over a Dark Urge, thousands of fans began showcasing how fantastic it was to play a combination of both.

baldur's gate 3 dark urge artLarian Studios

“This is the only way” commented one user, going on to explain that their “Durge was a cute little tiefling girly Bard” rather than the traditional Dragonborn Sorcerer default Origin.

“I find that Durge goes really well with the ‘pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside’ aesthetic,” commented one player — showcasing how ideal a pretty Durge is for roleplay purposes, allowing you to go hard on the ‘mean girl’ aesthetic while still being utterly brutal in combat.

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One user also explained that “It’s actually more f***ed up when a cute elf smiles in the bats**t crazy way Durge does in cutscenes.” Designing your Durge to be more conventionally attractive could only make them scarier according to some players.

It seems thousands prefer to create their very own “Femme Fatale,” with many highlighting that sometimes “The prettiest things can be the most deadly.”

Sure, how you design your Dark Urge is up to you, but if you’re yet to try a pretty femme fatale, then it’s well worth crafting one for your next Baldur’s Gate 3 run. Who knows what your companions will think?

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